9 million deaths in 2016 according to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates. Consider if your German Shepherd has aortic stenosis (AS). These problems are often due to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries is termed coronary heart disease. More than three-quarters of recently recovered COVID-19 patients had heart muscle problems show up during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests, German doctors reported on Monday in JAMA … From 60 upwards every second person is affected. Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioural risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol using population-wide strategies. The research suggests the virus can directly damage cardiovascular muscles with ongoing inflammation detectable months after recovery, even in patients originally suffering a mild form of the disease. It can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, kidney failure, stroke or a heart attack - often with fatal consequences. including arthritis, rheumatic and musculo-skeletal diseases and respiratory diseases, including those induced by allergies: to develop patient-oriented strategies from prevention to diagnosis with particular emphasis on treatment, including clinical research and the use of active ingredients. boehringeringelheim.de Bei den venösen Thromboembolien (VTE) - zu denen tiefe Venenthrombosen (Deep Vein Thrombosis, DVT) und die potenziell … Mortality from heart disease in Germany increased in 2015 for the first time after more than 20 years of steady decline. Dr. German Neri Jr, Cardiovascular Disease in Lakewood, OH. For example, we aim to develop plants that are less, sensitive to drought or that contain higher levels of vitamins or, Zum Beispiel forschen wir an Pflanzen, die unempfindlicher gegenüber Trockenheit sind, oder die einen höheren Gehalt an Vitaminen oder Omega3-Fettsäuren zur. Wiesbaden (dapd) - Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death in Germany. Together with Hoechst Marion Roussel, we are, developing a BASF active substance for the. The spectrum ranges from high blood pressure and atherosclerosis to cardiac arrhythmias, heart disease and heart attacks. “Heart disease” is a catch-all phrase for a variety of conditions that affect the heart’s structure and function. Treating Heart Conditions in Puppies Diagnose PDA. Strategies for combating and controlling infectious disease, the most important cause of illness in poor countries, are not far-reaching enough, in part because the diseases. It's usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries (atherosclerosis) and an increased risk of blood clots.. On average, someone dies of CVD every 37 seconds in the U.S. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. It’s important to learn about your heart to help prevent it. der derzeit in der klinischen Phase II ist. The National Disease Management Guidelines for Chronic Coronary Heart Disease and the S3 Guidelines for Heart Failure from the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin, DEGAM) achieved above average good results with the German … Cardiovascular disease, any of the diseases, whether congenital or acquired, of the heart and blood vessels. On the assumption that the German population was faced. Background: Gallstones are common disorders associated with several cardiovascular risk factors. Treating Heart Muscle Disease Learn the difference between the two types of heart muscle disease. If a blood clot forms in a constricted coronary vessel, this can cause a heart attack. Coronary Heart Disease: Also called coronary artery disease, coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease. The German Heart Centre Munich has gone down in history as a paragon for the consolidation of state of the art medical treatment of cardiovascular diseases at one centralised location. meisten neuen Produkte in den Indikationen. Learn more about heart disease and its risk factors. In Germany alone, around 1.5 million people are affected. As a member of the German Cardiac Society, you are automatically a member of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Community. This website uses Cookies. Evaluation of food ingredients reducing bone loss in the elderly, preventing, the development of metabolic syndrome in the overweight, or, Identifizierung/Bewertung von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen, welche den Verlust an Knochenmasse bei älteren Menschen reduzieren, die Entwicklung des metabolischen Syndroms bei, The station is indicated in the treatment of gynaecologic diseases (ovarian insufficiency, chronic cervicitis, chronic metrosalpingitis, infertility) but also for degenerative, inflammatory and rheumatic diseases (cervical, dorsal, lumbar spondylosis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, articular aching, tendencies, scapulohumeral polyarthritis), posttraumatic states (after healed surgery done on joints, muscles, bones, after contortions and luxations), for diseases of the peripheral nervous system (light paresis, sequels of the poliomyelitis, polyneuritis), endocrine, convulsions (hypothyroidism, as a consequence of an, Der Badekurort wird für die Behandlung von gynäkologischen Krankheiten (ovarielle Insuffizienz, chronische Zervicitis, chronische Metrosalpingitis, Unfruchtbarkeit), degenerativen Krankheiten, Entzündungen und Rheumaleiden (zervikale, dorsale und lumbale Spondylose, Arthrose, Polyarthrose, Gelenkschmerzen, Tendinitis, skapulohumerale Polyarthritis), posttraumatischen Zuständen (nach verheilten Gelenk-, Muskel- und Knochenoperationen, nach Verstauchungen und Verrenkungen), Krankheiten des peripherischen Nervensystems (leichte Lähmungen, Folgen der Polyomyelitis, Polyneuritis), endokrinen Leiden, Our global active substances research is focused on, Unsere globale Wirkstoffforschung fokussiert sich am Standort West, Haven (Connecticut, usa) auf die Indikation Onkologie sowie am, Experts warned: in the context of people with borderline hypertension, although not to be diagnosed as high blood pressure, but it turned into the possibility of. Gallstone formation and atherosclerosis may share key pathways, but studies on putative associations between gallstones and the risk of cardiovascular disease are sparse and non-conclusive. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents. 146. Cardiovascular disease is the broad term for problems with the heart and blood vessels. Examples include coronary artery disease, valve disease, arrhythmia, peripheral vascular disease, congenital heart … May also simply be called heart disease. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with just under one million fatal cases. German Larrain is a practicing Cardiovascular Disease doctor in Wausau, WI. The treatment of diseases in ophthalmology such as ocular fundus diseases, eye injury, glaucoma, keratoplasty, laser diagnosis, cataract laser emulsification and phaco emulsification technology, and the treatment for diseases … More than 310 … Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "cardiovascular disease". It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Affiliations 1 Institute for Experimental and Translational Cardiovascular Imaging, DZHK Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Since … CVD includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina and myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack). hypertension should be particular attention to prevention of hypertension. Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The vessels narrow so that the blood can no longer flow freely through them. ; 2 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Imaging, University of Messina, Messina, Italy. In this very common form of heart disease, insufficient oxygenated blood reaches the heart muscle when plaque deposits cause narrowing of the necessary coronary arteries. Gallstone formation and atherosclerosis may share key pathways, but studies on … Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – A general term referring to conditions affecting the heart (cardio) and blood vessels (vascular system). The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study … (CT) hat die medizinische Diagnostik revolutioniert. leading causes of death combined (i.e. Learn more about the different types of cardiovascular diseases… As a member of the German Cardiac Society, you are automatically a member of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Community. With more than one-third (38%) of all deaths now attributable to heart disease, it remains one of the leading causes of death. This is not a good example for the translation above. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Strategien, die mit der Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten die wichtigste Krankheitsursache in armen Ländern kontrollieren wollen, greifen zu kurz - u.a. geborene Menschen mit geringem Einkommen den größten Anteil von körperlich nicht aktiven Individuen und den größten Anteil von Rauchern stellten. Learn more about heart disease and its risk factors. Taken in the broadest sense, cardiovascular disorders include all diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. Older German Shepherds are prone to a vascular tumor (hemangiosarcoma) that attacks the vessels lining the heart. health problems resulting from e.g. Taken in the broadest sense, cardiovascular disorders include all diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. The age adjusted Death Rate is 73.48 … Introduction. als auch bei Frauen HauptTodesursache und fordern Jahr für Jahr mehr. Diese Beispiele machen deutlich, dass ein. For example, there are the bypass procedures in which a new conduit is grafted between the beginning and the end of a narrowed coronary vessel. Their organoleptic properties make them a useful food to preserve human health: recent medical studies have demonstrated that their high content of vitamin C, among other elements maintained by their natural, Im Gegensatz zu anderen Arten, in der Tat, die meisten Zitrusfrüchte nicht abschließen können ihre Reifung nach der Früchte wurden von dem Baum entfernt ihre organoleptischen Eigenschaften machen sie ein nützliches Nahrungsmittel zu bewahren menschliche Gesundheit: Neueste medizinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass ihres hohen Gehalts an Vitamin C, unter anderen Elementen durch den Säuregrad typisch für die Frucht erhalten, die, Venous thrombo­embolism (VTE) - which includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and its potentially fatal acute complication, Bei den venösen Thromboembolien (VTE) - zu denen tiefe Venenthrombosen (Deep Vein Thrombosis, DVT) und die potenziell tödliche akute Komplikation der Lungenembolie (pulmonale Embolie, PE) zählen -. Two German studies, published Tuesday in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Cardiology, found heart abnormalities in COVID-19 patients months after they had already … Stoffwechselerkrankungen (z. People with cardiovascular disease or who are at high cardiovascular … Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – A general term referring to conditions affecting the heart (cardio) and blood vessels (vascular system). Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. Think about whether … … … The German for cardiovascular disease is Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung. Keep in mind — all heart diseases are cardiovascular diseases, but not all cardiovascular diseases are heart disease. The spectrum ranges from high blood pressure and atherosclerosis to cardiac arrhythmias, heart disease and heart attacks. Germany is one of the most affected in the world by heart disease; it is ranked eighth in the world for the highest rate of death attributed to heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of health problems and death in countries worldwide. Find more German words at wordhippo.com! Personally, I am in favour of scientific research that is as free as possible, with the possible prospect of a cure for, Ich persönlich befürworte eine möglichst freie wissenschaftliche Forschung mit der möglichen. The diversity of cardiovascular disorders is reflected in the wide range of treatments for them. sonstige chronische Krankheiten einschließlich Arthritis, rheumatischer und Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen und Erkrankungen der Atemwege einschließlich derjenigen, die durch Allergien hervorgerufen werden. The National Disease Management Guidelines for Chronic Coronary Heart Disease and the S3 Guidelines for Heart Failure from the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin, DEGAM) achieved above average good results with the German … illnesses (e.g. Cause of death number one in German. Examples include coronary artery disease, valve disease, arrhythmia, peripheral vascular disease, congenital heart … German Translation of “ heart disease” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk … High blood pressure, combined with other risk factors such as diabetes or disorders of lipid metabolism, hastens the onset of atherosclerosis. Aortic stenosis is the most common congenital heart disease in larger breeds of dogs. Acknowledges that health professionals, especially paediatricians and pharmacists, should be made aware of their essential role in the early, the fight against the obesity epidemic and non-communicable diseases; calls, therefore, on the Commission to develop European anthropometric indicators and guidelines on cardiometabolic risk factors associated with obesity; emphasises the importance of carrying out systematic routine measurements in association with screening for other cardiometabolic risk factors, in order to evaluate overweight/obesity co-morbidities at primary care level, ist der Auffassung, dass den Fachkräften aus dem Gesundheitswesen, insbesondere Kinderärzten und Apothekern, bewusst gemacht werden sollte, welche maßgebliche Rolle sie bei der Früherkennung von, sie bei der Bekämpfung der Adipositas-Epidemie, und von nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten tonangebend sein sollten; fordert deshalb die Kommission auf, europäische anthropometrische Indikatoren für Risikofaktoren für Herz und Stoffwechsel im Zusammenhang mit Adipositas und entsprechende Leitlinien auszuarbeiten, und betont die Bedeutung von systematischen und regelmäßigen anthropometrischen Messungen, die zusammen mit der Überprüfung anderer Risikofaktoren für Herz und Stoffwechsel durchgeführt werden, um die mit Adipositas/Übergewicht einhergehenden Krankheiten im Rahmen der medizinischen Grundversorgung zu untersuchen, Despite significant advances in the understanding. As these examples illustrate, a comprehensive understanding of the. This tumor is the most common type in dogs and usually … der beiden wichtigsten Ursachen für Krankheits- und Sterblichkeit und Krankheit in Europa und Bündelung der Forschungsressourcen Europas zur Bekämpfung seltener Krankheiten. hat, treten solche Leiden nicht nur häufiger auf, sie verlaufen auch schwerer, und die Frauen sterben früher. of the two major important causes of ill health and mortality and ill health in Europe and to pool Europe's research resources for tackling rare diseases. It can also be associated with damage to arteries in organs such as the brain, heart… "Born and educated in Santiago, Chile, Dr. Larrain spent 7 years training in the U.S. prior to going back to his … Privacy Policy, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, © 2021, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne. German Translation of “ heart disease” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Besides genetic predisposition and natural ageing, the main ones are diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking. and lung cancer with approximately 850,000 people killed. Heart disease was similarly the leading cause of death in the United States in 2018, however, the death rate from heart disease in the U.S. has decreased steadily since the 1950s, with … unhealthy diets, drug abuse, environmental degradation and reduced physical activity) could be considerably reduced by general intersectoral policies and individual preventive policies and improved measures to address those factors in people's working and living environment which cause disease; stresses, therefore, the importance of developing occupational health care with a view to the prevention and early detection of diseases and health problems, weist darauf hin, dass die Haupttodesursachen (zum, chronische Berufskrankheiten, Gesundheitsprobleme aufgrund ungesunder Ernährung, Drogenmissbrauch, Umweltverschmutzung und unzureichender körperlicher Betätigung) durch allgemeine interdisziplinäre und individuelle Vorbeugemaßnahmen sowie bessere Ursachenbekämpfung krankmachender Faktoren in der Arbeits- und Lebenswelt der Menschen erheblich gesenkt werden könnten; betont daher die Bedeutung einer betrieblichen Gesundheitsversorgung, um Krankheiten und Gesundheitsprobleme frühzeitig aufdecken und diesen vorbeugen zu können, While one percent of cases involved cancer detection, most of the problems detected implied cardiovascular risk factors: 45% of problems detected were heart-related and 8% involved, endocrinology issues, in particular diabetes and thyroid gland, In einem Prozent der Fälle konnte frühzeitig eine Krebserkrankung aufgedeckt werden aber in den allermeisten Fällen handelte es sich im Risikofaktoren für Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen: 45 % der aufgedeckten Probleme betrafen das Herz, 8 % die, Endokrinologie, dabei meistens Diabetes u, The collection has done when the fruits reached a sufficient degree of maturity: in spite of other species, almost all citrus can't complete their maturation after the fruits were removed from the tree. German Larrain is a practicing Cardiovascular Disease doctor in Wausau, WI. die häufigste Ursache eines vorzeitigen Todes dar; Prognosen zufolge ist dies innerhalb der nächsten zehn Jahre auch weltweit zu erwarten. als Männer; wenn jedoch erst die Menopause eingesetzt. Experten warnen: Im Rahmen von Menschen mit Borderline-Hypertonie, die zwar nicht wie hoher Blutdruck diagnostiziert werden, aber es stellte sich die Möglichkeit einer. The German for cardiovascular disease is Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. Steps to take include a low-fat diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, restricted alcohol, no nicotine, sufficient exercise and a healthy work-life balance. This condition occurs when fat and cholesterol build … Understanding Types of Heart Problems 1. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. It’s important for everyone to know the facts about heart disease pdf icon [PDF-243K].. Heart Disease in the United States. preventing a further increase in risk levels and reversing this trend. Besides maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking medication, there are various surgical options for treating particular forms of heart disease. of low income had the highest proportion of physically inactive individuals and the highest proportion of smokers. German Cardiac Society The German Cardiac Society is a member of the European Society of Cardiology Germany, DE . Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. May also simply be called heart disease. The age-adjusted death rate attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD), based on 2017 data, is 219.4 per 100,000. The causes of cardiovascular disorders are wide ranging. Elderly people are particularly affected but the number of sufferers under the age of 50 is rising. See Reviews & Make an Appointment! German Cardiac Society The German Cardiac Society is a member of the European Society of Cardiology Germany, DE . Two German studies published today in JAMA Cardiology show abnormal heart imaging findings in recently recovered COVID-19 patients, and cardiac infections in those who have died from … Rottweilers, Great Danes, Boxers, Newfoundlands, Golden retrievers, and German shepherds all have high incidences of this disease. 1; One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease… News Coronavirus Heart disease Heart attack Cardiovascular health A new study published Monday in the JAMA Cardiology Journal found that 78 percent of recovered COVID-19 patients … As plaque builds up, the arteries narrow, making it more difficult for blood to flow to the heart… CVD includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina and myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack). Bei der Analyse des Zusammenhangs von Migration. darauf, ein weiteres Ansteigen der Risiken zu vermeiden und diesen Trend umzukehren. It causes local inflammation in the respiratory tract and may thus produce serious effects on health: cough, respiratory distress, bronchitis, Es verursacht in den Atemwegen lokale Entzündungen und kann so zu schwerwiegenden Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit führen: Husten, Atemnot, Bronchitis und Asthmaanfälle bei Kindern, the central nervous system and metabolism. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. Keep in mind — all heart diseases are cardiovascular diseases, but not all cardiovascular diseases are heart disease. By continuing to navigate on this website without changing the Cookie settings of your internet browser you agree to our use of Cookies. (CT) has revolutionized the field of medical diagnostics. We studied the relationship between gallstones … Since the pandemic began, people with underlying cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, or heart failure have been known to be at higher risk for … Ausgehend von einer hohen Risikobelastung der. ... Our mission: To reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease… 1; One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease… However, being overweight and under stress also appear to play a role. diabetes) (Goldmann Sachs). It’s important for everyone to know the facts about heart disease pdf icon [PDF-243K].. Heart Disease in the United States. death among both men and women, claiming more lives each year than several. Cardiovascular disorders are the most common cause of death in Germany. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Germany, causing a total of approximately 40% of all deaths. Fußball Redewendungen Englisch, Dancing Stars 2020 Wann Geht Es Weiter, Blogger Aus Berlin, Union Berlin Augsburg 2019, 12 Meilen-zone Mittelmeer Karte, Infinity Rosen Klarna, " /> 9 million deaths in 2016 according to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates. Consider if your German Shepherd has aortic stenosis (AS). These problems are often due to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries is termed coronary heart disease. More than three-quarters of recently recovered COVID-19 patients had heart muscle problems show up during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests, German doctors reported on Monday in JAMA … From 60 upwards every second person is affected. Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioural risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol using population-wide strategies. The research suggests the virus can directly damage cardiovascular muscles with ongoing inflammation detectable months after recovery, even in patients originally suffering a mild form of the disease. It can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, kidney failure, stroke or a heart attack - often with fatal consequences. including arthritis, rheumatic and musculo-skeletal diseases and respiratory diseases, including those induced by allergies: to develop patient-oriented strategies from prevention to diagnosis with particular emphasis on treatment, including clinical research and the use of active ingredients. boehringeringelheim.de Bei den venösen Thromboembolien (VTE) - zu denen tiefe Venenthrombosen (Deep Vein Thrombosis, DVT) und die potenziell … Mortality from heart disease in Germany increased in 2015 for the first time after more than 20 years of steady decline. Dr. German Neri Jr, Cardiovascular Disease in Lakewood, OH. For example, we aim to develop plants that are less, sensitive to drought or that contain higher levels of vitamins or, Zum Beispiel forschen wir an Pflanzen, die unempfindlicher gegenüber Trockenheit sind, oder die einen höheren Gehalt an Vitaminen oder Omega3-Fettsäuren zur. Wiesbaden (dapd) - Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death in Germany. Together with Hoechst Marion Roussel, we are, developing a BASF active substance for the. The spectrum ranges from high blood pressure and atherosclerosis to cardiac arrhythmias, heart disease and heart attacks. “Heart disease” is a catch-all phrase for a variety of conditions that affect the heart’s structure and function. Treating Heart Conditions in Puppies Diagnose PDA. Strategies for combating and controlling infectious disease, the most important cause of illness in poor countries, are not far-reaching enough, in part because the diseases. It's usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries (atherosclerosis) and an increased risk of blood clots.. On average, someone dies of CVD every 37 seconds in the U.S. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. It’s important to learn about your heart to help prevent it. der derzeit in der klinischen Phase II ist. The National Disease Management Guidelines for Chronic Coronary Heart Disease and the S3 Guidelines for Heart Failure from the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin, DEGAM) achieved above average good results with the German … Cardiovascular disease, any of the diseases, whether congenital or acquired, of the heart and blood vessels. On the assumption that the German population was faced. Background: Gallstones are common disorders associated with several cardiovascular risk factors. Treating Heart Muscle Disease Learn the difference between the two types of heart muscle disease. If a blood clot forms in a constricted coronary vessel, this can cause a heart attack. Coronary Heart Disease: Also called coronary artery disease, coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease. The German Heart Centre Munich has gone down in history as a paragon for the consolidation of state of the art medical treatment of cardiovascular diseases at one centralised location. meisten neuen Produkte in den Indikationen. Learn more about heart disease and its risk factors. In Germany alone, around 1.5 million people are affected. As a member of the German Cardiac Society, you are automatically a member of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Community. This website uses Cookies. Evaluation of food ingredients reducing bone loss in the elderly, preventing, the development of metabolic syndrome in the overweight, or, Identifizierung/Bewertung von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen, welche den Verlust an Knochenmasse bei älteren Menschen reduzieren, die Entwicklung des metabolischen Syndroms bei, The station is indicated in the treatment of gynaecologic diseases (ovarian insufficiency, chronic cervicitis, chronic metrosalpingitis, infertility) but also for degenerative, inflammatory and rheumatic diseases (cervical, dorsal, lumbar spondylosis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, articular aching, tendencies, scapulohumeral polyarthritis), posttraumatic states (after healed surgery done on joints, muscles, bones, after contortions and luxations), for diseases of the peripheral nervous system (light paresis, sequels of the poliomyelitis, polyneuritis), endocrine, convulsions (hypothyroidism, as a consequence of an, Der Badekurort wird für die Behandlung von gynäkologischen Krankheiten (ovarielle Insuffizienz, chronische Zervicitis, chronische Metrosalpingitis, Unfruchtbarkeit), degenerativen Krankheiten, Entzündungen und Rheumaleiden (zervikale, dorsale und lumbale Spondylose, Arthrose, Polyarthrose, Gelenkschmerzen, Tendinitis, skapulohumerale Polyarthritis), posttraumatischen Zuständen (nach verheilten Gelenk-, Muskel- und Knochenoperationen, nach Verstauchungen und Verrenkungen), Krankheiten des peripherischen Nervensystems (leichte Lähmungen, Folgen der Polyomyelitis, Polyneuritis), endokrinen Leiden, Our global active substances research is focused on, Unsere globale Wirkstoffforschung fokussiert sich am Standort West, Haven (Connecticut, usa) auf die Indikation Onkologie sowie am, Experts warned: in the context of people with borderline hypertension, although not to be diagnosed as high blood pressure, but it turned into the possibility of. Gallstone formation and atherosclerosis may share key pathways, but studies on putative associations between gallstones and the risk of cardiovascular disease are sparse and non-conclusive. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents. 146. Cardiovascular disease is the broad term for problems with the heart and blood vessels. Examples include coronary artery disease, valve disease, arrhythmia, peripheral vascular disease, congenital heart … May also simply be called heart disease. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with just under one million fatal cases. German Larrain is a practicing Cardiovascular Disease doctor in Wausau, WI. The treatment of diseases in ophthalmology such as ocular fundus diseases, eye injury, glaucoma, keratoplasty, laser diagnosis, cataract laser emulsification and phaco emulsification technology, and the treatment for diseases … More than 310 … Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "cardiovascular disease". It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Affiliations 1 Institute for Experimental and Translational Cardiovascular Imaging, DZHK Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Since … CVD includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina and myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack). hypertension should be particular attention to prevention of hypertension. Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The vessels narrow so that the blood can no longer flow freely through them. ; 2 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Imaging, University of Messina, Messina, Italy. In this very common form of heart disease, insufficient oxygenated blood reaches the heart muscle when plaque deposits cause narrowing of the necessary coronary arteries. Gallstone formation and atherosclerosis may share key pathways, but studies on … Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – A general term referring to conditions affecting the heart (cardio) and blood vessels (vascular system). The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study … (CT) hat die medizinische Diagnostik revolutioniert. leading causes of death combined (i.e. Learn more about the different types of cardiovascular diseases… As a member of the German Cardiac Society, you are automatically a member of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Community. With more than one-third (38%) of all deaths now attributable to heart disease, it remains one of the leading causes of death. This is not a good example for the translation above. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Strategien, die mit der Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten die wichtigste Krankheitsursache in armen Ländern kontrollieren wollen, greifen zu kurz - u.a. geborene Menschen mit geringem Einkommen den größten Anteil von körperlich nicht aktiven Individuen und den größten Anteil von Rauchern stellten. Learn more about heart disease and its risk factors. Taken in the broadest sense, cardiovascular disorders include all diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. Older German Shepherds are prone to a vascular tumor (hemangiosarcoma) that attacks the vessels lining the heart. health problems resulting from e.g. Taken in the broadest sense, cardiovascular disorders include all diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. The age adjusted Death Rate is 73.48 … Introduction. als auch bei Frauen HauptTodesursache und fordern Jahr für Jahr mehr. Diese Beispiele machen deutlich, dass ein. For example, there are the bypass procedures in which a new conduit is grafted between the beginning and the end of a narrowed coronary vessel. Their organoleptic properties make them a useful food to preserve human health: recent medical studies have demonstrated that their high content of vitamin C, among other elements maintained by their natural, Im Gegensatz zu anderen Arten, in der Tat, die meisten Zitrusfrüchte nicht abschließen können ihre Reifung nach der Früchte wurden von dem Baum entfernt ihre organoleptischen Eigenschaften machen sie ein nützliches Nahrungsmittel zu bewahren menschliche Gesundheit: Neueste medizinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass ihres hohen Gehalts an Vitamin C, unter anderen Elementen durch den Säuregrad typisch für die Frucht erhalten, die, Venous thrombo­embolism (VTE) - which includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and its potentially fatal acute complication, Bei den venösen Thromboembolien (VTE) - zu denen tiefe Venenthrombosen (Deep Vein Thrombosis, DVT) und die potenziell tödliche akute Komplikation der Lungenembolie (pulmonale Embolie, PE) zählen -. Two German studies, published Tuesday in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Cardiology, found heart abnormalities in COVID-19 patients months after they had already … Stoffwechselerkrankungen (z. People with cardiovascular disease or who are at high cardiovascular … Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – A general term referring to conditions affecting the heart (cardio) and blood vessels (vascular system). Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. Think about whether … … … The German for cardiovascular disease is Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung. Keep in mind — all heart diseases are cardiovascular diseases, but not all cardiovascular diseases are heart disease. The spectrum ranges from high blood pressure and atherosclerosis to cardiac arrhythmias, heart disease and heart attacks. Germany is one of the most affected in the world by heart disease; it is ranked eighth in the world for the highest rate of death attributed to heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of health problems and death in countries worldwide. Find more German words at wordhippo.com! Personally, I am in favour of scientific research that is as free as possible, with the possible prospect of a cure for, Ich persönlich befürworte eine möglichst freie wissenschaftliche Forschung mit der möglichen. The diversity of cardiovascular disorders is reflected in the wide range of treatments for them. sonstige chronische Krankheiten einschließlich Arthritis, rheumatischer und Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen und Erkrankungen der Atemwege einschließlich derjenigen, die durch Allergien hervorgerufen werden. The National Disease Management Guidelines for Chronic Coronary Heart Disease and the S3 Guidelines for Heart Failure from the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin, DEGAM) achieved above average good results with the German … illnesses (e.g. Cause of death number one in German. Examples include coronary artery disease, valve disease, arrhythmia, peripheral vascular disease, congenital heart … German Translation of “ heart disease” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk … High blood pressure, combined with other risk factors such as diabetes or disorders of lipid metabolism, hastens the onset of atherosclerosis. Aortic stenosis is the most common congenital heart disease in larger breeds of dogs. Acknowledges that health professionals, especially paediatricians and pharmacists, should be made aware of their essential role in the early, the fight against the obesity epidemic and non-communicable diseases; calls, therefore, on the Commission to develop European anthropometric indicators and guidelines on cardiometabolic risk factors associated with obesity; emphasises the importance of carrying out systematic routine measurements in association with screening for other cardiometabolic risk factors, in order to evaluate overweight/obesity co-morbidities at primary care level, ist der Auffassung, dass den Fachkräften aus dem Gesundheitswesen, insbesondere Kinderärzten und Apothekern, bewusst gemacht werden sollte, welche maßgebliche Rolle sie bei der Früherkennung von, sie bei der Bekämpfung der Adipositas-Epidemie, und von nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten tonangebend sein sollten; fordert deshalb die Kommission auf, europäische anthropometrische Indikatoren für Risikofaktoren für Herz und Stoffwechsel im Zusammenhang mit Adipositas und entsprechende Leitlinien auszuarbeiten, und betont die Bedeutung von systematischen und regelmäßigen anthropometrischen Messungen, die zusammen mit der Überprüfung anderer Risikofaktoren für Herz und Stoffwechsel durchgeführt werden, um die mit Adipositas/Übergewicht einhergehenden Krankheiten im Rahmen der medizinischen Grundversorgung zu untersuchen, Despite significant advances in the understanding. As these examples illustrate, a comprehensive understanding of the. This tumor is the most common type in dogs and usually … der beiden wichtigsten Ursachen für Krankheits- und Sterblichkeit und Krankheit in Europa und Bündelung der Forschungsressourcen Europas zur Bekämpfung seltener Krankheiten. hat, treten solche Leiden nicht nur häufiger auf, sie verlaufen auch schwerer, und die Frauen sterben früher. of the two major important causes of ill health and mortality and ill health in Europe and to pool Europe's research resources for tackling rare diseases. It can also be associated with damage to arteries in organs such as the brain, heart… "Born and educated in Santiago, Chile, Dr. Larrain spent 7 years training in the U.S. prior to going back to his … Privacy Policy, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, © 2021, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne. German Translation of “ heart disease” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Besides genetic predisposition and natural ageing, the main ones are diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking. and lung cancer with approximately 850,000 people killed. Heart disease was similarly the leading cause of death in the United States in 2018, however, the death rate from heart disease in the U.S. has decreased steadily since the 1950s, with … unhealthy diets, drug abuse, environmental degradation and reduced physical activity) could be considerably reduced by general intersectoral policies and individual preventive policies and improved measures to address those factors in people's working and living environment which cause disease; stresses, therefore, the importance of developing occupational health care with a view to the prevention and early detection of diseases and health problems, weist darauf hin, dass die Haupttodesursachen (zum, chronische Berufskrankheiten, Gesundheitsprobleme aufgrund ungesunder Ernährung, Drogenmissbrauch, Umweltverschmutzung und unzureichender körperlicher Betätigung) durch allgemeine interdisziplinäre und individuelle Vorbeugemaßnahmen sowie bessere Ursachenbekämpfung krankmachender Faktoren in der Arbeits- und Lebenswelt der Menschen erheblich gesenkt werden könnten; betont daher die Bedeutung einer betrieblichen Gesundheitsversorgung, um Krankheiten und Gesundheitsprobleme frühzeitig aufdecken und diesen vorbeugen zu können, While one percent of cases involved cancer detection, most of the problems detected implied cardiovascular risk factors: 45% of problems detected were heart-related and 8% involved, endocrinology issues, in particular diabetes and thyroid gland, In einem Prozent der Fälle konnte frühzeitig eine Krebserkrankung aufgedeckt werden aber in den allermeisten Fällen handelte es sich im Risikofaktoren für Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen: 45 % der aufgedeckten Probleme betrafen das Herz, 8 % die, Endokrinologie, dabei meistens Diabetes u, The collection has done when the fruits reached a sufficient degree of maturity: in spite of other species, almost all citrus can't complete their maturation after the fruits were removed from the tree. German Larrain is a practicing Cardiovascular Disease doctor in Wausau, WI. die häufigste Ursache eines vorzeitigen Todes dar; Prognosen zufolge ist dies innerhalb der nächsten zehn Jahre auch weltweit zu erwarten. als Männer; wenn jedoch erst die Menopause eingesetzt. Experten warnen: Im Rahmen von Menschen mit Borderline-Hypertonie, die zwar nicht wie hoher Blutdruck diagnostiziert werden, aber es stellte sich die Möglichkeit einer. The German for cardiovascular disease is Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. Steps to take include a low-fat diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, restricted alcohol, no nicotine, sufficient exercise and a healthy work-life balance. This condition occurs when fat and cholesterol build … Understanding Types of Heart Problems 1. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. It’s important for everyone to know the facts about heart disease pdf icon [PDF-243K].. Heart Disease in the United States. preventing a further increase in risk levels and reversing this trend. Besides maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking medication, there are various surgical options for treating particular forms of heart disease. of low income had the highest proportion of physically inactive individuals and the highest proportion of smokers. German Cardiac Society The German Cardiac Society is a member of the European Society of Cardiology Germany, DE . Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. May also simply be called heart disease. The age-adjusted death rate attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD), based on 2017 data, is 219.4 per 100,000. The causes of cardiovascular disorders are wide ranging. Elderly people are particularly affected but the number of sufferers under the age of 50 is rising. See Reviews & Make an Appointment! German Cardiac Society The German Cardiac Society is a member of the European Society of Cardiology Germany, DE . Two German studies published today in JAMA Cardiology show abnormal heart imaging findings in recently recovered COVID-19 patients, and cardiac infections in those who have died from … Rottweilers, Great Danes, Boxers, Newfoundlands, Golden retrievers, and German shepherds all have high incidences of this disease. 1; One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease… News Coronavirus Heart disease Heart attack Cardiovascular health A new study published Monday in the JAMA Cardiology Journal found that 78 percent of recovered COVID-19 patients … As plaque builds up, the arteries narrow, making it more difficult for blood to flow to the heart… CVD includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina and myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack). Bei der Analyse des Zusammenhangs von Migration. darauf, ein weiteres Ansteigen der Risiken zu vermeiden und diesen Trend umzukehren. It causes local inflammation in the respiratory tract and may thus produce serious effects on health: cough, respiratory distress, bronchitis, Es verursacht in den Atemwegen lokale Entzündungen und kann so zu schwerwiegenden Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit führen: Husten, Atemnot, Bronchitis und Asthmaanfälle bei Kindern, the central nervous system and metabolism. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. Keep in mind — all heart diseases are cardiovascular diseases, but not all cardiovascular diseases are heart disease. By continuing to navigate on this website without changing the Cookie settings of your internet browser you agree to our use of Cookies. (CT) has revolutionized the field of medical diagnostics. We studied the relationship between gallstones … Since the pandemic began, people with underlying cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, or heart failure have been known to be at higher risk for … Ausgehend von einer hohen Risikobelastung der. ... Our mission: To reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease… 1; One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease… However, being overweight and under stress also appear to play a role. diabetes) (Goldmann Sachs). It’s important for everyone to know the facts about heart disease pdf icon [PDF-243K].. Heart Disease in the United States. death among both men and women, claiming more lives each year than several. Cardiovascular disorders are the most common cause of death in Germany. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Germany, causing a total of approximately 40% of all deaths. 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