add from file and selected /usr/share/thunderbird/extensions/ from the Debian package. * If a user were tricked in to opening a specially crafted website in a browsing context, ; Möchten Sie lediglich das Sprachpaket Deutsch verwenden, laden Sie sich das Language Pack Deutsch herunter. For example, if you have an English version of Thunderbird, then the first button on Thunderbird's … Great to see this making progress. Select the desired language from the drop-down list. Organize, secure and customize your mail without installation. Diese Version behebt aber 2 Sicherheitslücken, von denen Anwender betroffen sein könnten, die JavaScript in (HTML-)E-Mails aktiviert haben. please help us updating this language Pack. Language packs change your browser's interface language, including menu options and settings. If you have installed Lightning, Thunderbird's Calendar add-on, it will automatically be updated to match the new version of Thunderbird. German language pack for Thunderbird: Ubuntu Proposed Main armhf Official: thunderbird-locale-de_78.5.0+build3-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_armhf.deb: German language pack for Thunderbird: Ubuntu Updates Main amd64 Official: thunderbird-locale-de_68.10.0+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_amd64.deb: German language pack for Thunderbird: Ubuntu Updates Main arm64 Official J'ai trouvé pour Firefox v.14 mais pas pour Thunderbird v.14 malgré une assez longue recherche. Thunderbird robí elektronickú poštu bezpečnejšou, rýchlejšou a jednoduchšou než kedykoľvek predtým, s najlepšou implementáciou funkcií, akými sú inteligentné antispamové filtre, vstavaná kontrola pravopisu, podpora rozšírení a ešte oveľa viac. Thunderbird version 60.2.1 provides an automatic update from Thunderbird version 52. I can confirm that the "about:preferences" page is properly translated for the following locales: bn-BD, es-ES, gu-IN, zh-CN and zh-TW. Only with Firefox—Get Firefox Now. I've managed to reproduce this bug with the STR from comment 10, on an affected FF 60.0 build and using the zh-CN language pack. If this bug can't be easily fixed, I'm willing to add all language packs to ATN, if someone gives me the rights to upload them…. Bugs in the back-end (e.g. Standardmäßig ist JavaScript in Thunderbird für die angezeigten Inhalte allerdings deaktiviert. Getting this out of my queue until ATN is able to support this automatically. Mit Thunderbird kann man E-Mails verschicken und empfangen, außerdem bietet die Anwendung intelligente Spamfilter, Quick-Message-Search und anpassbare Ansichtsmodi. 3. thunderbird を起動し Japanese Language Pack を enable して再起動します。 以上で FreeBSD の thunderbird-60.6.1 でも日本語対応することができるのであります;-)。 当分の間は、thunderbird のバージョンアップを繰り返すごとに上記を実行する必要があるかなぁ・・。 Non funziona e NON viene aggiornata dalla versione 52 ora che siamo alla 60 è un po' problematico lavorare con thunderbird se non si ha piena confidenza con la lingua inglese.. Grazie in anticipo It doesn't works with tb 60. ; Möchten Sie Thunderbird eventuell auch in anderen Sprachen verwenden, laden Sie sich das Add-on Quick Locale Switcher herunter. Select a language for one particular message, Set the default language for all messages, At the top of the Thunderbird window, click the, Thunderbird add-ons - frequently asked questions. Portable Daily 32-64 bit MultiVersion Online (0.5 MB) 06/10/17 In first screen enter: 86.0a1 Portable Thunderbird MultiVersion 32-64 bit Multilingual Online (0.5 MB) 07/08/18 Select language and enter Version Number: 85.0b3 or 78.6.1 or 68.12.1 or 60.9.1 or 17.0.11esr (only 32 bit for ESR). D'ailleurs pour l'Agenda tout est bien en Français désormais. However, the taskcluster automation is not yet finished, so I'm changing this bug to refer to that since it has some relevant history etc. 316,396 Users 223 Reviews. In alternativa, sempre in Ubuntu, prova cercare il Language Pack in italiano per TB 60. After installing a dictionary, it is easy to switch from one language to another. The german language pack is not compatible with thunderbird versions 60+. Add a new language option to your browser spell-checker, or change the browser's interface language. Získajte späť svoju poštu. Note that Thunderbird version 60.1.0 and 60.2.0 were skipped. Index of /pub/thunderbird/releases/ Type Name Size Last Modified; Dir.. Dir: 0.1/ Dir: 0.2/ Dir: 0.3/ Dir: 0.4/ Dir: 0.5/ Dir: 0.6/ Thunderbird Release Notes Version 60.7.0, first offered to channel users on May 21, 2019 Changes; Bug Fixes; All Releases; Check out the notes below for this version of Thunderbird. > 600,000 users. xenial (16.04LTS) (mail): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter 1:68.10.0+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [security]: amd64 i386 1:38.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1 [ports]: arm64 armhf powerpc ppc64el s390x 4.5 Stars. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the mfsa2019-23 advisory. "win64" Teilen im Download-Link verunsichern. I accepted update to Thunderbird version 60.0 but my Add-on has been disabled as non-compatible (Magyar (HU) Language Pack (Thunderbird) 52.0 and Français Language Pack (Thunderbird… Thunderbird version 68.2.1 provides an automatic update from Thunderbird version 60. Zusätzlich werden die "Lightweight-Themes" unterstützt, welche man bereits seit längerer Zeit von… Italiano (it) Language Pack Version Information Version 78.0buildid20201019003438 Released Oct. 26, 2020 559.5 KiB Works with Thunderbird 78.0 - 78. Získajte späť svoju poštu. If you have installed Lightning, Thunderbird's calendar add-on, it will automatically be updated to match the new version of Thunderbird. If you send messages in more than one language, you can install additional spell-checking dictionaries to Thunderbird. WebExtensions FileLink API to facilitate FileLink add-ons. Hanno cambiato i requisiti che i componenti aggiuntivi dovranno avere per essere compatibili con Thunderbird 60+ come era stato fatto a partire dalla versione 57 di Firefox. Summary: Language packs on not updated for Thunderbird 60/68/78 → Enable automatic language pack upload to ATN via Taskcluster. We indeed don't have them on the addons server yet (soon!) Se la tua versione di Thunderbird è quella ufficiale di Ubuntu e presente nei repo, cerca tra i pacchetti di Thunderbird disponibili quella in italiano. there is no Language Pack für thuderbird 66.xx avalible. Japanese Language Pack (Thunderbird) バージョン情報 バージョン 78.0buildid20201019003438 リリース日: 10月 26, 2020 705.5 KiB 動作環境: Thunderbird 78.0 - 78. ii thunderbird 1:60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter ii thunderbird-locale-fr 1:60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 French language pack for Thunderbird. Share this article: Intl issues sometimes don't get enough attention. Download Firefox dictionaries and language pack extensions. ), maybe also multilingual can be enabled? I can confirm that if I toggle intl.multilingual.enabled and intl.multilingual.downloadEnabled to true, I can search for new languages in TB68, I can download them and I can switch to them! If you are using the most recent shipping release, the quick path to the language pack .xpi file is: 1. Language Pack for Thunderbird Lightning. Manage installation and update of extensions, themes and dictionaries within Add-ons Manager, Component: de / German → Add-Ons: General, Product: Mozilla Localizations → Thunderbird, Summary: Thunderbird-60.0: Deutsch Language Pack not compatible → Language packs on not updated for Thunderbird 60, Flags: needinfo? When using a language pack, names of standard folders weren't localized. After installing a dictionary, it is easy to switch from one language to another. Right-click and save … J'ai été dans "Tools" puis "Options" j'ai téléchargé "francais_language_pack_thunderbird-52.0-tb", c'est le seul qui m'était proposé, cliqué sur "Installer le pack", une fois l'installation terminée j'ai eut l'affichage disant que le pack français était actif mais lorsque j'ouvre Thunderbird il est toujours en anglais. Japanese Language Pack のバージョン履歴 - 全 25 バージョン 古いバージョンに注意してください! これらのバージョンは、テストや参照を目的に表示されています。 > WebExtensions are (only) compatible with Thunderbird by default. Ce serait bien pratique que Firefox et Thunderbird mettent en même temps le pack de langue à jour en même temps à chaque nouvelle version où c'est nécessaire. IIRC it's supposed to be here (philipp) → needinfo? Non so quando Language pack e Dizionario verranno resi … And the new OpenPGP strings are translated, so it is in the Debian package, but was not updated automatically. Thunderbird 60.8; In general, these flaws cannot be exploited through email in the Thunderbird product because scripting is disabled when reading mail, but are potentially risks in browser or browser-like contexts. When I click on Thunderbird's Add-On tab to see if there's an update for Lightning I'm told that all the versions of Lightning available there are not compatible with the updated Thunderbird release. permalink. There is no need to download the xpi file in this case, it is in the Debian package correct, but the language is not updated automatically what I would have assumed. > depends on ATN and what it's capabilities are, and at the moment it's a *, it may be a problem to those who doesn't know english. Thunderbird robí elektronickú poštu bezpečnejšou, rýchlejšou a jednoduchšou než kedykoľvek predtým, s najlepšou implementáciou funkcií, akými sú inteligentné antispamové filtre, vstavaná kontrola pravopisu, podpora rozšírení a ešte oveľa viac. Language dictionaries are available as Thunderbird add-ons. FYI over the next couple weeks will get significantly more interest from users for this because automatic updates will be resuming, hopefully in large numbers. ; Möchten Sie lediglich das Sprachpaket Deutsch verwenden, laden Sie sich das Language Pack Deutsch herunter. I am interested in Czech version. Create a thread and find answers by posting a question to any of our product support forums. Sonst wird das Sprachpaket evtl. For bugs in the Thunderbird mail client front-end. Thunderbird Fixed in. The version of Thunderbird installed on the remote macOS or Mac OS X host is prior to 60.8. Dig into the knowledge base, tips and tricks, troubleshooting, and so much more. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use all the features on this site. Since that is a website issue, it will be tracked here:, (In reply to Andrei Hajdukewycz [:sancus] from comment #43). If someone can catch me up real quick here, it looks (from comment 24) like this actually got implemented at one point, but didn't actually work? After completing an Ubuntu automatic software update (15 Oct 2018) that included Thunderbird 60.2.1 the Lightning calendar is now missing. Visit Mozilla Corporation’s not-for-profit parent, the Mozilla Foundation. A language pack is an extension (add-on) that changes the language of the user interface in a Mozilla application (Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, etc.).. Mit Thunderbird kann man E-Mails verschicken und empfangen, außerdem bietet die Anwendung intelligente Spamfilter, Quick-Message-Search und anpassbare Ansichtsmodi. Summary: Standalone mail and news reader from Mozilla; Maintainer: fallback-mnt-aosc@repology Either in multi-language packages (like: Thunderbird-translations-common and Thunderbird-translation-others) or single language packages (like: tb-l10n-de, tb-l10n-en, etc.). Fixes fixed Decoding problems for messages with … Firefox for alloperating systems Otherwise, to download a language pack for yo… Sebastian Hengst [:aryx] (needinfo on intermittent or backout). Answer questions and improve our knowledge base. * Hallo!Thunderbird Version 60 steht vor der Tür. Savez-vous où se trouve le pack language fr pour Thunderbird ? Chinese Simplified (zh-CN) Language Pack. Information on all packages for project thunderbird. Now I have German language in TB 78, it says updated last 2020-10-07 so today. See the Thunderbird add-ons - frequently asked questions for more information. See the Thunderbird add-ons - frequently asked questions for more information. Non funziona e NON viene aggiornata dalla versione 52 ora che siamo alla 60 è un po' problematico lavorare con thunderbird se non si ha piena confidenza con la lingua inglese.. Grazie in anticipo It doesn't works with tb 60. In the options there is no possibility to add another language. Normalmente le distro mettono a disposizione diverse varianti di lingua della stessa versione. Thanks Rob. In alternativa, sempre in Ubuntu, prova cercare il Language Pack in italiano per TB 60. FYI over the next couple weeks there will be significantly more interest from users because automatic updates will be resuming, hopefully in large numbers. Thunderbird unterstützt die Mail-Protokolle POP und IMAP sowie HTML-formatierte E-Mails. please help us updating this language Pack. Language dictionaries are available as Thunderbird add-ons. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. – základňa slovenskej lokalizačnej komunity. Portions of this content are ©1998–2021 by individual contributors. > Counting up some of what I am guessing are the most used languages, I get Beta Channel; Nightly Channel; The Future of Thunderbird. The language packs that exist on ATN have been updated to their 78 versions respectively. Join Us Make a Donation • Get Support • Report a Bug. In addition to handling multiple email accounts, the program can also be used to subscribe to RSS feeds and access online newsgroups and a new tabbed interface makes it easy to jump between individual emails or different aspects of the program. If you send messages in more than one language, you can install additional spell-checking dictionaries to Thunderbird. Now that all the language packs that are available for TB 68 have been manually uploaded and are available on ATN (thank you sancus! Schließen Sie Thunderbird zunächst und öffnen Sie Ihren Browser, um die Sprache in Thunderbird auf Deutsch umzustellen. Portions of this content are ©1998–2020 by individual contributors. Schließen Sie Thunderbird zunächst und öffnen Sie Ihren Browser, um die Sprache in Thunderbird auf Deutsch umzustellen. But TB is in English, and German language is not selectable under preferences menu. – základňa slovenskej lokalizačnej komunity. In addition to handling multiple email accounts, the program can also be used to subscribe to RSS feeds and access online newsgroups and a new tabbed interface makes it easy to jump between individual emails or different aspects of the program. Thunderbird 60.8.0 についての一般的な情報は Thunderbird 60.8.0 リリースノート を参照いただきたい。 Thunderbird 60.8.0 は Windows, Mac, Linux 版が用意され、Mozilla ウェブサイトよりダウンロード可能となっている。 (In reply to Dave Miller [:justdave] ( from comment #35). Thunderbird for alloperating systems 2. Extension Metadata. Windowsien qui prend ses marques sur Ubuntu. Thunderbird unterstützt die Mail-Protokolle POP und IMAP sowie HTML-formatierte E-Mails. You have searched for packages that names contain thunderbird in all suites, all sections, and all architectures. > black box for me. Rate your experience. The German one can be found at Andreas, do you know whom to talk to to upload the new language packs. Information on all packages for project thunderbird. Alternatively, save the xpi file on your computer and install it in Thunderbird later. Bugs in Thunderbird's built in calendar and chat features should be filed in the Calendar or Chat components respectively. Thunderbird is an email client from Mozilla, the organisation better known for the Firefox web browser which has a great deal to offer. Extract and run ThunderbirdPortable. A sandbox escape was discovered in Thunderbird. Lang packs are here though:, Did someone manually upload German (Deutch) language pack for TB60? Ciao a tutti, ho installato thunderbird 60, ma mi esce in lingua inglese. All others I've checked are still compatible with TB52. dep: thunderbird-locale-ast (= 1:38.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1) [not amd64, i386] Asturian language pack for Thunderbird dep: thunderbird-locale-ast (= 1:60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) [amd64, i386] dep: thunderbird-locale-be (= 1:38.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1) [not amd64, i386] Belarusian language pack for Thunderbird When trying to search for new language, nothing appears. Ho notato che il language pack per la 60 non sembra ancora essere uscito. Many thanks in advance Parliamo di Language Pack o di Dizionario? protocols) should be filed under MailNews Core. (CVE-2019-9811) Multiple security issues were discovered in Thunderbird. but if they're pushing it out as a package anyway then the failure to use it sort of sounds like a package bug? Download thunderbird-locale-pa-in_60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_all.deb for 16.04 LTS from Ubuntu Updates Main repository. That's it! Thunderbird ist ein leistungsstarker und kostenloser E-Mail Client. Enable automatic language pack upload to ATN via Taskcluster. Organize, secure and customize your mail without installation. the package thunderbird-l10n-de 1:78.3.1-2~deb10u2 ; Möchten Sie Thunderbird eventuell auch in anderen Sprachen verwenden, laden Sie sich das Add-on Quick Locale Switcher herunter. In the opened tab, scroll through the alphabetic list of dictionaries to find the one you want. Instead, open Thunderbird's Extensions or Add-ons window, then drag the link from your browser and drop it there. > Firefox has a job that does this for AMO, Dave Miller [:justdave] (,,,,,,,,,,,,, If it's something in TB it might be worth filing a separate bug for that, but I'd have the Debian maintainers make sure it's not a bug in the packaging first. Sprachpaket-Dateien sind komprimierte Zip-Archive, die aus formellen Gründen die Dateiendung *.xpibesitzen. Thunderbird Fixed in. In the opened page of the selected dictionary, click the green, Click the gear icon at the top-right corner to the left of the search box and then select, In the Software Installation window, click. 26, 2020 649.6 KiB Funktioniert mit Thunderbird 78.0 - 78. Both are available on FTP Thunderbird Version 60.6.1 bringt keine offensichtlichen Änderungen mit. Hi I just updated TB in Debian Buster to 78.3.1 (that's the version that's now in Debian Buster's package repository). Achtung: Download bitte per Rechtsklick, Ziel speichern unter! Lassen Sie sich nicht von den "linux-x86_64" bzw. Exact hits Package thunderbird. Comment by Andrea Amorosi (AndreaA) - Thursday, 09 August 2018, 18:52 GMT The same happens to me with the italkian package which is still 52.9.1-1 So one could pick the software package and the required/desired languages / language pack(s). Normalmente le distro mettono a disposizione diverse varianti di lingua della stessa versione. There is also some cleanup of Language Pack listings necessary. Mehmet Scholl Hauptsache Gesund, Volker Lechtenbrink 2020, Inga Lindström: Die Zweite Chance Handlung, Handball Champions League 2019/20, Waz Gelsenkirchen Buer Kontakt, Heartbroken Kid Sarah Almoril, Wm 2002 Austragungsort, Sg Osf Mannschaften, österreich Em 2016, Kinderzahnarzt Eimsbüttel Osterstraße, " /> add from file and selected /usr/share/thunderbird/extensions/ from the Debian package. * If a user were tricked in to opening a specially crafted website in a browsing context, ; Möchten Sie lediglich das Sprachpaket Deutsch verwenden, laden Sie sich das Language Pack Deutsch herunter. For example, if you have an English version of Thunderbird, then the first button on Thunderbird's … Great to see this making progress. Select the desired language from the drop-down list. Organize, secure and customize your mail without installation. Diese Version behebt aber 2 Sicherheitslücken, von denen Anwender betroffen sein könnten, die JavaScript in (HTML-)E-Mails aktiviert haben. please help us updating this language Pack. Language packs change your browser's interface language, including menu options and settings. If you have installed Lightning, Thunderbird's Calendar add-on, it will automatically be updated to match the new version of Thunderbird. German language pack for Thunderbird: Ubuntu Proposed Main armhf Official: thunderbird-locale-de_78.5.0+build3-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_armhf.deb: German language pack for Thunderbird: Ubuntu Updates Main amd64 Official: thunderbird-locale-de_68.10.0+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_amd64.deb: German language pack for Thunderbird: Ubuntu Updates Main arm64 Official J'ai trouvé pour Firefox v.14 mais pas pour Thunderbird v.14 malgré une assez longue recherche. Thunderbird robí elektronickú poštu bezpečnejšou, rýchlejšou a jednoduchšou než kedykoľvek predtým, s najlepšou implementáciou funkcií, akými sú inteligentné antispamové filtre, vstavaná kontrola pravopisu, podpora rozšírení a ešte oveľa viac. Thunderbird version 60.2.1 provides an automatic update from Thunderbird version 52. I can confirm that the "about:preferences" page is properly translated for the following locales: bn-BD, es-ES, gu-IN, zh-CN and zh-TW. Only with Firefox—Get Firefox Now. I've managed to reproduce this bug with the STR from comment 10, on an affected FF 60.0 build and using the zh-CN language pack. If this bug can't be easily fixed, I'm willing to add all language packs to ATN, if someone gives me the rights to upload them…. Bugs in the back-end (e.g. Standardmäßig ist JavaScript in Thunderbird für die angezeigten Inhalte allerdings deaktiviert. Getting this out of my queue until ATN is able to support this automatically. Mit Thunderbird kann man E-Mails verschicken und empfangen, außerdem bietet die Anwendung intelligente Spamfilter, Quick-Message-Search und anpassbare Ansichtsmodi. 3. thunderbird を起動し Japanese Language Pack を enable して再起動します。 以上で FreeBSD の thunderbird-60.6.1 でも日本語対応することができるのであります;-)。 当分の間は、thunderbird のバージョンアップを繰り返すごとに上記を実行する必要があるかなぁ・・。 Non funziona e NON viene aggiornata dalla versione 52 ora che siamo alla 60 è un po' problematico lavorare con thunderbird se non si ha piena confidenza con la lingua inglese.. Grazie in anticipo It doesn't works with tb 60. ; Möchten Sie Thunderbird eventuell auch in anderen Sprachen verwenden, laden Sie sich das Add-on Quick Locale Switcher herunter. Select a language for one particular message, Set the default language for all messages, At the top of the Thunderbird window, click the, Thunderbird add-ons - frequently asked questions. Portable Daily 32-64 bit MultiVersion Online (0.5 MB) 06/10/17 In first screen enter: 86.0a1 Portable Thunderbird MultiVersion 32-64 bit Multilingual Online (0.5 MB) 07/08/18 Select language and enter Version Number: 85.0b3 or 78.6.1 or 68.12.1 or 60.9.1 or 17.0.11esr (only 32 bit for ESR). D'ailleurs pour l'Agenda tout est bien en Français désormais. However, the taskcluster automation is not yet finished, so I'm changing this bug to refer to that since it has some relevant history etc. 316,396 Users 223 Reviews. In alternativa, sempre in Ubuntu, prova cercare il Language Pack in italiano per TB 60. After installing a dictionary, it is easy to switch from one language to another. The german language pack is not compatible with thunderbird versions 60+. Add a new language option to your browser spell-checker, or change the browser's interface language. Získajte späť svoju poštu. Note that Thunderbird version 60.1.0 and 60.2.0 were skipped. Index of /pub/thunderbird/releases/ Type Name Size Last Modified; Dir.. Dir: 0.1/ Dir: 0.2/ Dir: 0.3/ Dir: 0.4/ Dir: 0.5/ Dir: 0.6/ Thunderbird Release Notes Version 60.7.0, first offered to channel users on May 21, 2019 Changes; Bug Fixes; All Releases; Check out the notes below for this version of Thunderbird. > 600,000 users. xenial (16.04LTS) (mail): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter 1:68.10.0+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [security]: amd64 i386 1:38.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1 [ports]: arm64 armhf powerpc ppc64el s390x 4.5 Stars. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the mfsa2019-23 advisory. "win64" Teilen im Download-Link verunsichern. I accepted update to Thunderbird version 60.0 but my Add-on has been disabled as non-compatible (Magyar (HU) Language Pack (Thunderbird) 52.0 and Français Language Pack (Thunderbird… Thunderbird version 68.2.1 provides an automatic update from Thunderbird version 60. Zusätzlich werden die "Lightweight-Themes" unterstützt, welche man bereits seit längerer Zeit von… Italiano (it) Language Pack Version Information Version 78.0buildid20201019003438 Released Oct. 26, 2020 559.5 KiB Works with Thunderbird 78.0 - 78. Získajte späť svoju poštu. If you have installed Lightning, Thunderbird's calendar add-on, it will automatically be updated to match the new version of Thunderbird. If you send messages in more than one language, you can install additional spell-checking dictionaries to Thunderbird. WebExtensions FileLink API to facilitate FileLink add-ons. Hanno cambiato i requisiti che i componenti aggiuntivi dovranno avere per essere compatibili con Thunderbird 60+ come era stato fatto a partire dalla versione 57 di Firefox. Summary: Language packs on not updated for Thunderbird 60/68/78 → Enable automatic language pack upload to ATN via Taskcluster. We indeed don't have them on the addons server yet (soon!) Se la tua versione di Thunderbird è quella ufficiale di Ubuntu e presente nei repo, cerca tra i pacchetti di Thunderbird disponibili quella in italiano. there is no Language Pack für thuderbird 66.xx avalible. Japanese Language Pack (Thunderbird) バージョン情報 バージョン 78.0buildid20201019003438 リリース日: 10月 26, 2020 705.5 KiB 動作環境: Thunderbird 78.0 - 78. ii thunderbird 1:60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter ii thunderbird-locale-fr 1:60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 French language pack for Thunderbird. Share this article: Intl issues sometimes don't get enough attention. Download Firefox dictionaries and language pack extensions. ), maybe also multilingual can be enabled? I can confirm that if I toggle intl.multilingual.enabled and intl.multilingual.downloadEnabled to true, I can search for new languages in TB68, I can download them and I can switch to them! If you are using the most recent shipping release, the quick path to the language pack .xpi file is: 1. Language Pack for Thunderbird Lightning. Manage installation and update of extensions, themes and dictionaries within Add-ons Manager, Component: de / German → Add-Ons: General, Product: Mozilla Localizations → Thunderbird, Summary: Thunderbird-60.0: Deutsch Language Pack not compatible → Language packs on not updated for Thunderbird 60, Flags: needinfo? When using a language pack, names of standard folders weren't localized. After installing a dictionary, it is easy to switch from one language to another. Right-click and save … J'ai été dans "Tools" puis "Options" j'ai téléchargé "francais_language_pack_thunderbird-52.0-tb", c'est le seul qui m'était proposé, cliqué sur "Installer le pack", une fois l'installation terminée j'ai eut l'affichage disant que le pack français était actif mais lorsque j'ouvre Thunderbird il est toujours en anglais. Japanese Language Pack のバージョン履歴 - 全 25 バージョン 古いバージョンに注意してください! これらのバージョンは、テストや参照を目的に表示されています。 > WebExtensions are (only) compatible with Thunderbird by default. Ce serait bien pratique que Firefox et Thunderbird mettent en même temps le pack de langue à jour en même temps à chaque nouvelle version où c'est nécessaire. IIRC it's supposed to be here (philipp) → needinfo? Non so quando Language pack e Dizionario verranno resi … And the new OpenPGP strings are translated, so it is in the Debian package, but was not updated automatically. Thunderbird 60.8; In general, these flaws cannot be exploited through email in the Thunderbird product because scripting is disabled when reading mail, but are potentially risks in browser or browser-like contexts. When I click on Thunderbird's Add-On tab to see if there's an update for Lightning I'm told that all the versions of Lightning available there are not compatible with the updated Thunderbird release. permalink. There is no need to download the xpi file in this case, it is in the Debian package correct, but the language is not updated automatically what I would have assumed. > depends on ATN and what it's capabilities are, and at the moment it's a *, it may be a problem to those who doesn't know english. Thunderbird robí elektronickú poštu bezpečnejšou, rýchlejšou a jednoduchšou než kedykoľvek predtým, s najlepšou implementáciou funkcií, akými sú inteligentné antispamové filtre, vstavaná kontrola pravopisu, podpora rozšírení a ešte oveľa viac. Language dictionaries are available as Thunderbird add-ons. FYI over the next couple weeks will get significantly more interest from users for this because automatic updates will be resuming, hopefully in large numbers. ; Möchten Sie lediglich das Sprachpaket Deutsch verwenden, laden Sie sich das Language Pack Deutsch herunter. I am interested in Czech version. Create a thread and find answers by posting a question to any of our product support forums. Sonst wird das Sprachpaket evtl. For bugs in the Thunderbird mail client front-end. Thunderbird Fixed in. The version of Thunderbird installed on the remote macOS or Mac OS X host is prior to 60.8. Dig into the knowledge base, tips and tricks, troubleshooting, and so much more. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use all the features on this site. Since that is a website issue, it will be tracked here:, (In reply to Andrei Hajdukewycz [:sancus] from comment #43). If someone can catch me up real quick here, it looks (from comment 24) like this actually got implemented at one point, but didn't actually work? After completing an Ubuntu automatic software update (15 Oct 2018) that included Thunderbird 60.2.1 the Lightning calendar is now missing. Visit Mozilla Corporation’s not-for-profit parent, the Mozilla Foundation. A language pack is an extension (add-on) that changes the language of the user interface in a Mozilla application (Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, etc.).. Mit Thunderbird kann man E-Mails verschicken und empfangen, außerdem bietet die Anwendung intelligente Spamfilter, Quick-Message-Search und anpassbare Ansichtsmodi. Summary: Standalone mail and news reader from Mozilla; Maintainer: fallback-mnt-aosc@repology Either in multi-language packages (like: Thunderbird-translations-common and Thunderbird-translation-others) or single language packages (like: tb-l10n-de, tb-l10n-en, etc.). Fixes fixed Decoding problems for messages with … Firefox for alloperating systems Otherwise, to download a language pack for yo… Sebastian Hengst [:aryx] (needinfo on intermittent or backout). Answer questions and improve our knowledge base. * Hallo!Thunderbird Version 60 steht vor der Tür. Savez-vous où se trouve le pack language fr pour Thunderbird ? Chinese Simplified (zh-CN) Language Pack. Information on all packages for project thunderbird. Now I have German language in TB 78, it says updated last 2020-10-07 so today. See the Thunderbird add-ons - frequently asked questions for more information. See the Thunderbird add-ons - frequently asked questions for more information. Non funziona e NON viene aggiornata dalla versione 52 ora che siamo alla 60 è un po' problematico lavorare con thunderbird se non si ha piena confidenza con la lingua inglese.. Grazie in anticipo It doesn't works with tb 60. In the options there is no possibility to add another language. Normalmente le distro mettono a disposizione diverse varianti di lingua della stessa versione. Thanks Rob. In alternativa, sempre in Ubuntu, prova cercare il Language Pack in italiano per TB 60. FYI over the next couple weeks there will be significantly more interest from users because automatic updates will be resuming, hopefully in large numbers. Thunderbird unterstützt die Mail-Protokolle POP und IMAP sowie HTML-formatierte E-Mails. please help us updating this language Pack. Language dictionaries are available as Thunderbird add-ons. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. – základňa slovenskej lokalizačnej komunity. Portions of this content are ©1998–2021 by individual contributors. > Counting up some of what I am guessing are the most used languages, I get Beta Channel; Nightly Channel; The Future of Thunderbird. The language packs that exist on ATN have been updated to their 78 versions respectively. Join Us Make a Donation • Get Support • Report a Bug. In addition to handling multiple email accounts, the program can also be used to subscribe to RSS feeds and access online newsgroups and a new tabbed interface makes it easy to jump between individual emails or different aspects of the program. If you send messages in more than one language, you can install additional spell-checking dictionaries to Thunderbird. Now that all the language packs that are available for TB 68 have been manually uploaded and are available on ATN (thank you sancus! Schließen Sie Thunderbird zunächst und öffnen Sie Ihren Browser, um die Sprache in Thunderbird auf Deutsch umzustellen. Portions of this content are ©1998–2020 by individual contributors. Schließen Sie Thunderbird zunächst und öffnen Sie Ihren Browser, um die Sprache in Thunderbird auf Deutsch umzustellen. But TB is in English, and German language is not selectable under preferences menu. – základňa slovenskej lokalizačnej komunity. In addition to handling multiple email accounts, the program can also be used to subscribe to RSS feeds and access online newsgroups and a new tabbed interface makes it easy to jump between individual emails or different aspects of the program. Thunderbird 60.8.0 についての一般的な情報は Thunderbird 60.8.0 リリースノート を参照いただきたい。 Thunderbird 60.8.0 は Windows, Mac, Linux 版が用意され、Mozilla ウェブサイトよりダウンロード可能となっている。 (In reply to Dave Miller [:justdave] ( from comment #35). Thunderbird for alloperating systems 2. Extension Metadata. Windowsien qui prend ses marques sur Ubuntu. Thunderbird unterstützt die Mail-Protokolle POP und IMAP sowie HTML-formatierte E-Mails. You have searched for packages that names contain thunderbird in all suites, all sections, and all architectures. > black box for me. Rate your experience. The German one can be found at Andreas, do you know whom to talk to to upload the new language packs. Information on all packages for project thunderbird. Alternatively, save the xpi file on your computer and install it in Thunderbird later. Bugs in Thunderbird's built in calendar and chat features should be filed in the Calendar or Chat components respectively. Thunderbird is an email client from Mozilla, the organisation better known for the Firefox web browser which has a great deal to offer. Extract and run ThunderbirdPortable. A sandbox escape was discovered in Thunderbird. Lang packs are here though:, Did someone manually upload German (Deutch) language pack for TB60? Ciao a tutti, ho installato thunderbird 60, ma mi esce in lingua inglese. All others I've checked are still compatible with TB52. dep: thunderbird-locale-ast (= 1:38.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1) [not amd64, i386] Asturian language pack for Thunderbird dep: thunderbird-locale-ast (= 1:60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) [amd64, i386] dep: thunderbird-locale-be (= 1:38.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1) [not amd64, i386] Belarusian language pack for Thunderbird When trying to search for new language, nothing appears. Ho notato che il language pack per la 60 non sembra ancora essere uscito. Many thanks in advance Parliamo di Language Pack o di Dizionario? protocols) should be filed under MailNews Core. (CVE-2019-9811) Multiple security issues were discovered in Thunderbird. but if they're pushing it out as a package anyway then the failure to use it sort of sounds like a package bug? Download thunderbird-locale-pa-in_60.5.1+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_all.deb for 16.04 LTS from Ubuntu Updates Main repository. That's it! Thunderbird ist ein leistungsstarker und kostenloser E-Mail Client. Enable automatic language pack upload to ATN via Taskcluster. Organize, secure and customize your mail without installation. the package thunderbird-l10n-de 1:78.3.1-2~deb10u2 ; Möchten Sie Thunderbird eventuell auch in anderen Sprachen verwenden, laden Sie sich das Add-on Quick Locale Switcher herunter. In the opened tab, scroll through the alphabetic list of dictionaries to find the one you want. Instead, open Thunderbird's Extensions or Add-ons window, then drag the link from your browser and drop it there. > Firefox has a job that does this for AMO, Dave Miller [:justdave] (,,,,,,,,,,,,, If it's something in TB it might be worth filing a separate bug for that, but I'd have the Debian maintainers make sure it's not a bug in the packaging first. Sprachpaket-Dateien sind komprimierte Zip-Archive, die aus formellen Gründen die Dateiendung *.xpibesitzen. Thunderbird Fixed in. In the opened page of the selected dictionary, click the green, Click the gear icon at the top-right corner to the left of the search box and then select, In the Software Installation window, click. 26, 2020 649.6 KiB Funktioniert mit Thunderbird 78.0 - 78. Both are available on FTP Thunderbird Version 60.6.1 bringt keine offensichtlichen Änderungen mit. Hi I just updated TB in Debian Buster to 78.3.1 (that's the version that's now in Debian Buster's package repository). Achtung: Download bitte per Rechtsklick, Ziel speichern unter! Lassen Sie sich nicht von den "linux-x86_64" bzw. Exact hits Package thunderbird. Comment by Andrea Amorosi (AndreaA) - Thursday, 09 August 2018, 18:52 GMT The same happens to me with the italkian package which is still 52.9.1-1 So one could pick the software package and the required/desired languages / language pack(s). Normalmente le distro mettono a disposizione diverse varianti di lingua della stessa versione. There is also some cleanup of Language Pack listings necessary. Mehmet Scholl Hauptsache Gesund, Volker Lechtenbrink 2020, Inga Lindström: Die Zweite Chance Handlung, Handball Champions League 2019/20, Waz Gelsenkirchen Buer Kontakt, Heartbroken Kid Sarah Almoril, Wm 2002 Austragungsort, Sg Osf Mannschaften, österreich Em 2016, Kinderzahnarzt Eimsbüttel Osterstraße, " />
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