The Open Society Institute–Baltimore office, which serves as a field office for the Open Society Foundations' U.S. programs, opened in 1997. Das in Berlin ansässige Center for Intersectional Justice, das darauf abzielt, die europäische Gesetzgebung im Bereich Anti-Diskriminierung inklusiver zu gestalten und auf die Bekämpfung von strukturellen Ungleichheiten auszuweiten, die auch Faktoren wie Herkunft, Geschlecht, sozioökonomischer Status, sexuelle Orientierung und Behinderung miteinschließt. Jägerstraße 54 Berlin… The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. Partnership for Open Society Initiative. The Director of Institutional Relations (DIR) at the Berlin Hub Office of the Open Society Fo Hosted on the Open Science Framework George Soros is one of the world’s foremost philanthropists. Every year the Open Society Foundations give thousands of grants to groups and individuals that work on the issues we focus on—promoting tolerance, transparency, and open debate. The Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance is a global initiative designed to identify, cultivate, and support the next generation of human rights practitioners. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Berlin. Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media. Open Society’s commitment includes rapid response at the local level where many of our staff live and work—from Berlin to London, to Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro, to Amman and Cape Town. But many people don't know how Soros built his … Jak se za dobu, co cenu udělujeme, proměnila česká žurnalistická scéna? Democratic Practice Open Society President Patrick Gaspard will step down at the end of the year. [email protected] Arevik Ghalumyan graduated from Romance and Germanic Philology Faculty of YSU, after which gained her Master’s degree at YSU Center for European Studies. This included supporting the 2017 launch of Liberties, a Berlin-based organization that seeks to give national civil liberty organizations a coordinated voice on Europe-wide issues. The Berlin-based European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, established in 2017, which is the first arts institution of its kind focused on the work and history of Roma artists, Multiple efforts to build better relations between Berlin school authorities and migrant families, The research institute WZB Berlin Social Science Center’s work on democratic innovations in Latin America, Watching You, Watching Me: A Photographic Response to Surveillance, an exhibition from our Documentary Photography Program that came to Berlin in 2017, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, the first NGO dedicated to full-time strategic litigation for human and civil rights in Germany, Mediendienst-Integration, an organization that provides the German media with facts, figures, and science-based information about migration, The establishment of a German policy hub for think tanks from the Western Balkans, in partnership with the Aspen Institute Germany, The Berlin-based Center for Intersectional Justice to make European antidiscrimination policies more inclusive and to address structural inequalities, factoring in issues of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, and disability, The Neue Deutsche Medienmacher,a non-profit association that promotes the participation of people with immigrant backgrounds in the media industry, The research series “Voices on Values,” launched in February 2019 in collaboration with the Berlin think tank d|part, which explores people's views on open society values in Germany and other European countries, A variety of Berlin-based advocacy and research organizations and universities that work to strengthen the rule of law and democracy in Europe and globally, including the Civil Liberties Union for Europe, Transparency International, and the Hertie School of Governance. As Europe faces new political challenges rooted in profound global technological and economic change, the Open Society Foundations seek to get everyone involved in the decisions that shape the future. Selmin Çalışkan is director of Institutional Relations at the recently opened Berlin office of Open Society Foundations (OSF). 0 ... Start managing your projects on the OSF today. The FT typically chooses somebody based on their achievements. Mediendienst-Integration, eine Organisation, die den deutschen Medien Fakten, Zahlen und wissenschaftsbasierte Informationen zum Thema Migration zur Verfügung stellt. This year, their selection also reflects the values Mr. Soros and Open Society support. 9 facts about Open Society Foundations Armenia. Here are instructions for enabling JavaScript in your web browser. The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. Goran Buldioski ist seit über zehn Jahren für die Open Society Foundations tätig und verantwortet neben seiner Funktion als Direktor des Berliner Büros auch die Open Society Initiative for Europe. Free and easy to use, the Open Science Framework supports the entire research lifecycle: planning, execution, reporting, archiving, and discovery. the future of foundations in an open society Nov 12, 2020 Posted By Robert Ludlum Publishing TEXT ID d447784c Online PDF Ebook Epub Library disinformation is destroying society but we can fight back new laws can improve the integrity of information on the web says samuel woolley author of the reality game The Open Society Foundations are active in more than 120 countries around the world. We support innovative thinking about challenges facing all Europeans such as fighting discrimination, improving access and inclusion in education and health, and preserving digital freedoms. He has given away more than $32 billion of his personal fortune to fund the Open Society Foundations’ work around the world. He has given away more than $32 billion of his personal fortune to fund the Open Society Foundations’ work around the world. The Open Society Foundations, backed by US-Hungarian billionaire George Soros, is considering closing its Budapest branch and opening a new one in Berlin. Seit Monaten hatte sich der Konflikt zwischen den OSF und der Regierung von Viktor Orbán zugespitzt. In his early life Soros was deeply influenced by philosopher Karl Popper’s concept of the “open society.” Based on Popper’s philosophy, and despite having made his fortune in the financial markets, Soros argues, “the spread of market values into all areas of life is endan… Strategic Litigation Program. Women’s Program The Open Society Foundations—Armenia continue to support local partners working to promote and protect human rights, rule of law, justice, accountability, and transparency. Slides from my introductory talk at the Oxford-Berlin Open Research summer school on 16 September 2019. “Watching You, Watching Me: A Photographic Response to Surveillance”, eine Wanderausstellung aus dem Dokumentarfotografie-Programm der Open Society Foundations, die 2017 in Berlin zu sehen war. OSFHOME; OSFPREPRINTS; OSFREGISTRIES; OSFMEETINGS; OSFINSTITUTIONS; Toggle navigation. Please note, this is a 6 month parental leave cover. ... Open Society Foundations will promote innovative narrative change efforts that will challenge stigma and transform attitudes. He is also the founder of Central European University, a leading regional center for the study of the social sciences. The Open Society Foundations form a global network of entities and programs committed to local knowledge and national expertise. Our network includes national and regional foundations, as well as programs with regional or global reach, active in more than 120 countries, including hubs in Europe and the United States. Anlass war eine Verlegung der Aktivitäten aus Budapest aufgrund des zunehmend repressiven politischen Umfeldes in Ungarn. It focuses on tackling three intertwined problems in Baltimore and Maryland: drug addiction, ... OSF Services Berlin GmbH. OSF Berlin . Every year the Open Society Foundations give thousands of grants to groups and individuals that work on the issues we focus on—promoting tolerance, transparency, and open debate. Search; Support; Donate; Sign Up Sign In. Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. The goal was to re-establish democratic principles in our country, contribute towards the development of a free society, transparency and equality of all people indiscriminately. The OSF believes that external education not only contributes to the knowledge renewal and transfer, professional advancement and success and bridges among scientists and professionals from around the world, but it also inspires and empowers these individuals to bring in a positive and enduring social change in their countries and in the world. OSF financially supports the bigoted "black lives matter" movement, violent anti-Trump rallies, and picks on weak groups in society to destabilize (local) governments.Delegitimization of Israel. OSF financially supports the bigoted "black lives matter" movement, violent anti-Trump rallies, and picks on weak groups in society to destabilize (local) governments.Delegitimization of Israel. Le Open Society Foundations (OSF), già Open Society Institute, sono una rete di fondazioni internazionali fondate dal magnate George Soros. Çalışkan was previously the secretary general of Amnesty International Germany. © 2021 Open Society Foundations, some rights reserved. The Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance is a global initiative designed to identify, cultivate, and support the next generation of human rights practitioners. Im Oktober 2017 wurde bekannt, dass Soros rund 18 Milliarden Dollar und damit den größten Teil seines Vermögens an die Open Society Foun… Justice Iniziative è un programma delle Open Society Foundations che promuove il Programma di Borsa di Studio Aryeh Neier 2021-2022.. Il programma offre agli avvocati e ad altri sostenitori, sia l’opportunità di acquisire esperienza pratica nella difesa internazionale dei diritti umani che un premio finanziario e un pacchetto di benefici per la durata della borsa di studio. During his tenure, Gaspard confronted significant threats to open societies worldwide, including authoritarianism's rise and COVID-19's spread. Des Weiteren arbeitete sie bereits für Organisationen wie die European Women’s Lobby in Brüssel, Medica Mondiale, die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Kabul sowie die Diakonie. Policy Fellowship Initiative. 01 From 2000 to 2005, the foundation supported projects … Mit diesen Worten begründet Patrick Gaspard, Präsident der Open Society Foundations (OSF), warum die Stiftungen von US-Milliardär George Soros Budapest als Standort nach mehr als 30 Jahren verlassen. Why the move from Budapest to Berlin? Cookie Policy. Information Program. Selmin Çalışkan is the director of institutional relations at the Open Society Foundations’ Berlin office. Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF), die erste NGO, die sich hauptamtlich mit strategischer Prozessführung für Menschen- und Bürgerrechte in Deutschland einsetzt. Last week we tracked down Michael Davidson, the global recruitment lead for the Open Society Foundations (OSF), whilst on one of his increasingly frequent visits to Berlin. We use cookies for analytics and to improve your experience. Deadline: 10/12/2020Do you want to help make the world a better place with your legal advocacy skills, analysis, strategic thinking, persuasive communication, creativity, and strong execution? The Czech OSF was founded in 1992 and since the very beginning has been member of the Open Society Foundations international network. Advocacy Officer. Posting Date: 09/14/2020. In Berlin, OSF has one of its key hub-offices housing more than 80 employees working for various programmatic or operational units. ... Deputy Director at Open Society Foundations, Roma Initiatives Office, Coach - International Coaching Federation. Hosted on the Open Science Framework Our national and regional foundations and thematic programs give thousands of grants every year toward building inclusive and vibrant democracies. We invite you to join a special farewell event Celebrating Collaborations and Inspiring the Future to honor the many partnerships that have shaped our joint achievements in early childhood development over the past two and half decades. Berlin, Germany . Berlin, Germany ... Deputy Director at the Open Society Foundations, Roma Initiatives Office Coach - International Coaching Federation. Strengthening open society and democracy in the Czech Republic Stronger Roots Program will support 35 organizations Altogether 35 organizations will receive support from the Stronger Roots program which is implemented by a consortium of Open Society Fund Prague (CZ), Open Society Foundation Bratislava (SK), Glopolis (CZ) and the NIOK Foundation (HU). Le Open Society Foundations sostengono finanziariamente i gruppi di società civile in tutto il mondo, con l'obiettivo dichiarato di promuovere la giustizia, l'istruzione, la sanità pubblica e i media indipendenti. The Open Society Foundations first began work in France in the early 2000s, working with the country’s Muslim community as part of a wider effort to contribute positively to European integration policies. © 2021 Open Society Foundations, some rights reserved. Open Society Foundation (OSF) Published 23 July 2018. Soros has faced pressure in Hungary. Deputy Director at the Open Society Foundations, Roma Initiatives Office Coach - International Coaching Federation Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland 500+ Kontakte. The Open Society Justice Initiative, a human rights law centre within OSF, is seeking an Advocacy Officer based in Berlin to develop and implement advocacy strategies and tactics at the national level to advance Justice Initiative priorities in Europe. The Open Society Foundations established a regional headquarters in Berlin in 2018, transferring operations from Budapest as the result of an increasingly repressive political atmosphere in Hungary. National Education Program. OSF-Armenia has historically engaged with the education system to foster critical and open-minded thinking, holistic approaches to development and merit, tolerance and equality, thus placing central the importance of education for the health of democratic social and political development of the country. The Open Society Foundations first started working in Italy in 2008, offering support to groups who were challenging abuses of power by the government of the then prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi. Activities of the Open Society Foundations. Das rund 100-köpfige Team zieht nach Berlin. OSF Berlin . Participants are chosen from among the ranks of graduate programs in public policy and related subjects at … Die Forschungsreihe „Voices on Values“, die im Februar 2019 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Berliner Think Tank d|part vorgestellt wurde und Ansichten zu Werten einer offenen Gesellschaft in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Staaten untersucht. George Soros is one of the world’s foremost philanthropists. Some examples of the organizations and work we support include: Download this information as a fact sheet. The Open Society Foundations first began work in France in the early 2000s, working with the country’s Muslim community as part of a wider effort to contribute positively to European integration policies. Participants are chosen from among the ranks of graduate programs in public policy and related subjects at a consortium of universities around the world. OSF Global Services Berlin Vor 1 Minute Gehören Sie zu den ersten 25 Bewerbern. Od 4. ledna může široká veřejnost, redakce i samotní novináři nominovat nejlepší žurnalistické práce. OSF is one of the world’s largest philanthropic organisations. “The Hungarian government was disparaging about our work and portrayed it in a false light.” This was the explanation given by Patrick Gaspard, President of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), for why after over 30 years the foundations, established by American billionaire George Soros, are now leaving their base in Budapest. You accept our use of cookies by closing this message box or continuing to use our site. The war and its consequences have created a disastrous situation undermining the rights to life, physical and mental… Zuvor arbeitete er für den Europarat, das Mazedonische Zentrum für internationale Zusammenarbeit und den Nationalen Jugendrat von Mazedonien. Currently, she is Policy Research Fellowship Coordinator at Open Society Foundations Armenia, and a doctoral student in Political Science at University of Fribourg. Das rund 100-köpfige Team zieht nach Berlin. Program Officer, Open Society Initiative for Europe, Berlin, Deadline: 11/11/2018. Civil Society Program. T he Open Society Foundation for South Africa (OSF-SA) is committed to promoting the values, institutions, and practices of an open, non-racial and non-sexist, democratic, civil society.. We are part of the Open Society Foundations network which includes these other African organisations: OSISA, OSIWA, and OSIEA. The Open Society Initiative for Europe supports a range of groups across Europe that promote fundamental political and personal rights and challenge discrimination and abuse. OSF-Armenia financing humanitarian aid to be provided to an additional 3,000 civilians, impacted by the war 2020-12-25 Sep 2018 – Present 1 year 10 months. The Open Society Foundations (OSF) were founded as the Open Society Institute in 1993 by the multibillionaire hedge-fund manager George Soros, and took its current name in 2010.When Soros attended the London School of Economics (LSE) beginning in 1947, he was exposed to the works of the Viennese-born philosopher Karl Popper, who taught at LSE, and whom Soros would later call his … Create an Account Learn More Hide this message. OSF aims to build a significant institutional presence as a global Foundation operating from one of the key European capitals. Posting Date: 12/08/2020. He previously worked for the Council of Europe, the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, and the National Youth Council of Macedonia. Zuvor war sie als Generalsekretärin für Amnesty International Deutschland tätig. Special Assistant, Office of the Berlin Director, Berlin, Deadline: 11/16/2018. A BRIEF HISTORY. Why the move from Budapest to Berlin? Selmin Çalışkan is director of Institutional Relations at the recently opened Berlin office of Open Society Foundations (OSF). Wir unterstützen innovative Lösungsansätze für Herausforderungen, die alle Europäer betreffen, wie der Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung, der Verbesserung des Zugangs zu und der Teilhabe an Bildung und Gesundheitsversorgung, sowie der Wahrung der digitalen Freiheiten. With around 150 staff members, the office is a base for the Foundations’ local, regional, and global work on issues ranging from justice system reform to affordable and accessible health care to social justice for Europe’s Roma communities. Other organizations she has worked for include the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels, Medica Mondiale, the German Society for International Cooperation in Kabul, and the Diakonia. Read the latest from our staff, grantees, and partners about how we’re working around the world to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. Marta Topor removed file Workshops Schedule 2019-2020 - Open Research.docx from OSF Storage in Surrey Reproducibility Society 2021-01-09 02:18 PM Marta Topor updated file Newsletter/Current Newsletter.pdf in OSF Storage in Surrey Reproducibility Society Berlin. We are active in more than 120 countries, making us the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights. 2020-03-02 Open Science Days, Max Planck Digital Library, Berlin 2019-12-10 Open Access Ambassadors Workshop , Max Planck Society & Digital Library, Berlin 2019-08-13 Seminar , eScience Institute, University of Washington
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